Asphalt Patching and Seal Coating Scheduled for 8/2 and 8/3

Hello Challenger Park Residents,

We will have additional maintenance for our asphalt scheduled on 8/2 and 8/3.

On 8/2 there will be some minor patching of asphalt occurring on the main drive. Traffic flow will not have a major impact.

On 8/3 there is scheduled to be seal coating of the asphalt on the main drive and Southern parking lots. Work is scheduled to begin at 7 a.m. Between 7 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. the West side of the main drive and the Southwest quad traffic will be closed. 12:00 p.m. – 6 p.m. the East side of the main drive and the South East parking lot will be closed for the evening. Weather permitting, the work seal coating work should be completed in one day.

Residents of the Southern quads are requested to park along Wintergreen or at South East Christian Church the night of 8/2 to avoid any delays accessing their vehicles.


Your Challenger Park Board of Directors